Spatially distributed vapour and precipitation sampling around Finse to assess the spatial representativeness of the isotopic signal of different weather situations, from 16 March to 05 May 2020.
Suite of instrumentation (Parsivel2 disdrometer, Micro rain radar, Vapour isotope inlet) installed at Finse Alpine Research Centre during the SNOWPACE 2020 field experiement
Building on the experience of the high-resolution sampling at Finse in 2018/2019, and the citizen science activity, we designed another field measurement period at Finse during the peak accumulation 2020 with more comprehensive atmospheric instrumentation and a different sampling strategy. The spatial representativeness of the isotopic signal of different weather events from point was planned to be assessed from different types of transect sampling, involving distributed sampling, ski and motorsledge transects. In addition, sampling overlapped in part with the distributed sampling during the ISLAS campaign along the Norwegian coast. Preservation of the isotopic signal within the snow pack over time would be assessed by repeated sampling at similar locations over time. As the initial setup period and first sampling had been completed, due to COVID-19 pandemic, all manned field operations were halted after 12 March 2020. An overview of the dataset acquired during this field campaign will be published as a dataset paper (Sodemann et al., in prep), with the dataset archived at the pangea database.
Sodemann et al., in prep